New Construct of Managing the Expanded Experience of the Customer: Integration of the Off-Line and Online Environments




Customer experience management, Retail, Experiential retail, Supermarket and Grocery, Omnichannel


Purpose: To analyze how the integration dimensions of offline and online environments are present in the management of experiences, in the supermarket retail segment

Method: The method focuses on analysis and categorization of the state of the art of customer experience management (CEM), according to elements of Schmitt's model (2004) - experiential environments; experience platforms; desired experiences for the brand; customer interaction interfaces; continuous innovation.

Originality / Relevance: This study and its dimensions expands the concept of relationship with the customer, leading to a vision that encompasses the creation of value. It fills gaps of CEM by presenting managerial tools for the phenomenon of experience.

Findings: Interactions of the CEM dimensions are presented that support the new construct named 'expanded customer experience in the supermarket', which implements the Terblanche model (2018), adding a new dimension: the integration of offline and online operations. This concerns the access of customers to the physical channel of the supermarket, integrating resources, technologies and characteristics of the digital environment, with operations under the omnichannel concept.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: Theoretical framework and new construct that expands the scope of the CEM since it highlights the need to integrate the physical and virtual environments to improve experiential sensations. The study is configured as a theory for managing the stimuli that affect customers, the operations of processes in retail and the atmospheres of stores.

Social / management contributions: The results help retail managers to improve customer experiences at the point of sale, getting a competitive advantage.


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Author Biographies

João Luiz Gilberto de Carvalho, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Doutor em Administração (linha de pesquisa em Marketing) pela  Universidade de São Paulo - USP, São Paulo, (Brasil). Professor da  Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL, Paraná. Servidor Público Estadual do IAPAR - Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, na área de Assessoria Técnica Institucional - Planejamento. 

Geraldo Luciano Toledo, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Doutor e livre-docente em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP, São Paulo, (Brasil). Professor titular aposentado do Departamento de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo - USP.


Abbott, L. (1955). Quality and Competition: An Essay in Economic Theory. New York: Columbia University Press.

ABRAS - Associação Brasileira de Supermercados. (2019). Vendas dos supermercados cresceram 2,07% em 2018. Recuperado 6 de fevereiro de 2019, de

Aguiar, E. C., & Farias, S. A. de. (2014). Estímulos Sensoriais e seus Significados para o Consumidor: Investigando uma Atmosfera de Serviço Centrado na Experiência. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 13(05), 65–77.

Antéblian, B., Filser, M., & Roederer, C. (2013). Consumption experience in retail environments: A literature review. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 28(3), 82–109.

Bäckström, K., & Johansson, U. (2006). Creating and consuming experiences in retail store environments: Comparing retailer and consumer perspectives. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13(6), 417–430.

Baker, J., Parasuraman, A., Grewal, D., & Voss, G. B. (2002). The Influence of Multiple Store Environment Cues on Perceived Merchandise Value and Patronage Intentions. Journal of Marketing, 66(2), 120–141.

Balasubramanian, S., Raghunathan, R., & Mahajan, V. (2005). Consumers in a multichannel environment: Product utility, process utility, and channel choice. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 19(2), 12–30.

Beck, N., & Rygl, D. (2015). Categorization of multiple channel retailing in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni-Channel Retailing for retailers and retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 170–178.

Bendoly, E., Blocher, J. D., Bretthauer, K. M., Krishnan, S., & Venkataramanan, M. A. (2005). Online/in-store integration and customer retention. Journal of Service Research, 7(4), 313–327.

Bèzes, C. (2018). What kind of in-store smart retailing for an omnichannel real-life experience? Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 01-22.

Bolton, R. N., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Cheung, L., Gallan, A., Orsingher, C., Witell, L., & Zaki, M. (2018). Customer experience challenges: bringing together digital, physical and social realms. Journal of Service Management, 29(5), 776–808.

Bonnin, G., & Goudey, A. (2012). The kinetic quality of store design: An Exploration of its influence on shopping experience. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(6), 637–643.

Brito, E. P. Z., Vieira, V. A., & Espartel, L. B. (2011). A Pesquisa na Área do Varejo: reflexões e provocações. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 51(6), 522–527.

Campo, K., & Breugelmans, E. (2015). Buying Groceries in Brick and Click Stores: Category Allocation Decisions and the Moderating Effect of Online Buying Experience. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 31, 63–78.

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Errajaa, K., Legohérel, P., & Daucé, B. (2018). Immersion and emotional reactions to the ambiance of a multiservice space: The role of perceived congruence between odor and brand image. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40(August 2017), 100–108.

Ferreira, N. S. de A. (2002). As pesquisas denominadas “estado da arte”. Educação & Sociedade, 23(79), 257–272.

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Hernández-Ortega, B., & Franco, J. L. (2018). Developing a new conceptual framework for experience and value creation. Service Business.

Hilken, T., Heller, J., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., Mahr, D., & de Ruyter, K. (2018). Making omnichannel an augmented reality: the current and future state of the art. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 12(4), 509–523.

Hoffman, K. D., & Turley, L. W. (2002). Atmospherics, service encounters and consumer decision making: an integrative perspective. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(3), 33–47. Recuperado de

Holbrook, M. B., & Hirschman, E. C. (1982). The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2), 132.

Homburg, C., Jozić, D., & Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 377–401.

Höpner, A., Ganzer, P. P., Chais, C., & Olea, P. M. (2015). Experiência do Consumidor no Varejo: Um Estudo Bibliométrico. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 14(04), 513–528.

Hwangbo, H., Kim, Y. S., & Cha, K. J. (2017). Use of the Smart Store for Persuasive Marketing and Immersive Customer Experiences: A Case Study of Korean Apparel Enterprise. Mobile Information Systems, 2017.

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Kim, S., Ham, S., Moon, H., Chua, B. L., & Han, H. (2018). Experience, brand prestige, perceived value (functional, hedonic, social, and financial), and loyalty among GROCERANT customers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 0–1.

Klein, J. F., Falk, T., Esch, F. R., & Gloukhovtsev, A. (2016). Linking pop-up brand stores to brand experience and word of mouth: The case of luxury retail. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5761–5767.

Koetz, C. (2018). Managing the customer experience: a beauty retailer deploys all tactics. Journal of Business Strategy, JBS-09-2017-0139.

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Micheaux, A., & Bosio, B. (2018). Customer Journey Mapping as a New Way to Teach Data-Driven Marketing as a Service. Journal of Marketing Education, 01-14.

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Mosquera, A., Juaneda-Ayensa, E., Olarte-Pascual, C., & Sierra-Murillo, Y. (2018). The role of technology in an omnichannel physical store: assessing the moderating effect of gender. Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC, In press.

Neslin, S. A., Grewal, D., Leghorn, R., Shankar, V., Teerling, M. L., Thomas, J. S., & Verhoef, P. C. (2006). Challenges and opportunities in multichannel customer management. Journal of Service Research, 9(2), 95–112.

Neslin, S. A., & Shankar, V. (2009). Key Issues in Multichannel Customer Management: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(1), 70–81.

Otieno, R., Harrow, C., & Lea‐Greenwood, G. (2005). The unhappy shopper, a retail experience: exploring fashion, fit and affordability. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(4), 298–309.

Pandey, S., & Chawla, D. (2018). Online customer experience (OCE) in clothing e-retail: Exploring OCE dimensions and their impact on satisfaction and loyalty – Does gender matter? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(3), 323–346.

Pantano, E. (2010). New technologies and retailing: Trends and directions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 17(3), 171–172.

Pantano, E., & Timmermans, H. (2014). What is Smart for Retailing? Procedia Environmental Sciences, 22, 101–107.

Park, C. W., Iyer, E. S., & Smith, D. C. (1989). The Effects of Situational Factors on In-Store Grocery Shopping Behavior: The Role of Store Environment and Time Available for Shopping. Journal of Consumer Research, 15(4), 422.

Picot-Coupey, K., Huré, E., & Piveteau, L. (2016). Channel design to enrich customers’ shopping experiences. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44(3), 336–368.

Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (2013). The experience economy: past, present and future. In J. Sundbo & F. Sørensen (Orgs.), Handbook on the Experience Economy (p. 21–44). Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Pine, B. J. I., & Gilmore, J. H. (2011). The Experience Economy: Updated Edition. Boston: Harvard Business Press.

Piotrowicz, W., & Cuthbertson, R. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue Information Technology in Retail: Toward Omnichannel Retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 18(4), 5–16.

Poncin, I., & Ben Mimoun, M. S. (2014). The impact of “e-atmospherics” on physical stores. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 851–859.

Puccinelli, N. M., Goodstein, R. C., Grewal, D., Price, R., Raghubir, P., & Stewart, D. (2009). Customer Experience Management in Retailing: Understanding the Buying Process. Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 15–30.

Rosenbaum, M. S., Otalora, M. L., & Ramírez, G. C. (2017). How to create a realistic customer journey map. Business Horizons, 60(1), 143–150.

Abbott, L. (1955). Quality and Competition: An Essay in Economic Theory. New York: Columbia University Press.

ABRAS - Associação Brasileira de Supermercados. (2019). Vendas dos supermercados cresceram 2,07% em 2018. Recuperado 6 de fevereiro de 2019, de

Aguiar, E. C., & Farias, S. A. de. (2014). Estímulos Sensoriais e seus Significados para o Consumidor: Investigando uma Atmosfera de Serviço Centrado na Experiência. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 13(05), 65–77.

Antéblian, B., Filser, M., & Roederer, C. (2013). Consumption experience in retail environments: A literature review. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 28(3), 82–109.

Bäckström, K., & Johansson, U. (2006). Creating and consuming experiences in retail store environments: Comparing retailer and consumer perspectives. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13(6), 417–430.

Baker, J., Parasuraman, A., Grewal, D., & Voss, G. B. (2002). The Influence of Multiple Store Environment Cues on Perceived Merchandise Value and Patronage Intentions. Journal of Marketing, 66(2), 120–141.

Balasubramanian, S., Raghunathan, R., & Mahajan, V. (2005). Consumers in a multichannel environment: Product utility, process utility, and channel choice. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 19(2), 12–30.

Beck, N., & Rygl, D. (2015). Categorization of multiple channel retailing in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni-Channel Retailing for retailers and retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 27, 170–178.

Bendoly, E., Blocher, J. D., Bretthauer, K. M., Krishnan, S., & Venkataramanan, M. A. (2005). Online/in-store integration and customer retention. Journal of Service Research, 7(4), 313–327.

Bèzes, C. (2018). What kind of in-store smart retailing for an omnichannel real-life experience? Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 01-22.

Bolton, R. N., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Cheung, L., Gallan, A., Orsingher, C., Witell, L., & Zaki, M. (2018). Customer experience challenges: bringing together digital, physical and social realms. Journal of Service Management, 29(5), 776–808.

Bonnin, G., & Goudey, A. (2012). The kinetic quality of store design: An Exploration of its influence on shopping experience. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(6), 637–643.

Brito, E. P. Z., Vieira, V. A., & Espartel, L. B. (2011). A Pesquisa na Área do Varejo: reflexões e provocações. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 51(6), 522–527.

Campo, K., & Breugelmans, E. (2015). Buying Groceries in Brick and Click Stores: Category Allocation Decisions and the Moderating Effect of Online Buying Experience. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 31, 63–78.

Cook, G. (2014). Customer experience in the omni-channel world and the challenges and opportunities this presents. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 15(4), 262–266.

Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2003). Métodos de Pesquisa em Administração (7a edição). Porto Alegre: Bookman.

D’Ippolito, B., & Timpano, F. (2016). The Role of Non-Technological Innovations in Services: The Case of Food Retailing. Creativity and Innovation Management, 25(1), 73–89.

Dziewanowska, K. (2015). Comparison of Dimensions of Online and Offline Shopping Experiences. In Annual Paris Business Research Conference. Paris.

Errajaa, K., Legohérel, P., & Daucé, B. (2018). Immersion and emotional reactions to the ambiance of a multiservice space: The role of perceived congruence between odor and brand image. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40(August 2017), 100–108.

Ferreira, N. S. de A. (2002). As pesquisas denominadas “estado da arte”. Educação & Sociedade, 23(79), 257–272.

Flavián, C., Gurrea, R., & Orús, C. (2016). Choice confidence in the webrooming purchase process: The impact of online positive reviews and the motivation to touch. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 15, 459–476.

Følstad, A., & Kvale, K. (2018). Customer journeys: a systematic literature review. Journal of Service Theory and Practice (Vol. 28).

Gentile, C., Spiller, N., & Noci, G. (2007). How to Sustain the Customer Experience: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value With the Customer. European Management Journal, 25(5), 395–410.

Grewal, D., Levy, M., & Kumar, V. (2009). Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework. Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 1–14.

Grewal, D., Roggeveen, A. L., & Nordfält, J. (2017). The Future of Retailing. Journal of Retailing, 93(1), 1–6.

Hand, L., Parker, B., Ortis, I., & Holmes, C. (2009). 2009 Top Ten Predictions for the Retail Industry. (Relatório no GRI216086, 05.jan.2009). IDC Retail Insights.

Helm, S., Kim, S. H., & Van Riper, S. (2018). Navigating the ‘retail apocalypse’: A framework of consumer evaluations of the new retail landscape. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Herhausen, D., Binder, J., Schoegel, M., & Herrmann, A. (2015). Integrating Bricks with Clicks: Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration. Journal of Retailing, 91(2), 309–325.

Hernández-Ortega, B., & Franco, J. L. (2018). Developing a new conceptual framework for experience and value creation. Service Business.

Hilken, T., Heller, J., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., Mahr, D., & de Ruyter, K. (2018). Making omnichannel an augmented reality: the current and future state of the art. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 12(4), 509–523.

Hoffman, K. D., & Turley, L. W. (2002). Atmospherics, service encounters and consumer decision making: an integrative perspective. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(3), 33–47. Recuperado de

Holbrook, M. B., & Hirschman, E. C. (1982). The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2), 132.

Homburg, C., Jozić, D., & Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 377–401.

Höpner, A., Ganzer, P. P., Chais, C., & Olea, P. M. (2015). Experiência do Consumidor no Varejo: Um Estudo Bibliométrico. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 14(04), 513–528.

Hwangbo, H., Kim, Y. S., & Cha, K. J. (2017). Use of the Smart Store for Persuasive Marketing and Immersive Customer Experiences: A Case Study of Korean Apparel Enterprise. Mobile Information Systems, 2017.

Ieva, M., & Ziliani, C. (2018a). Mapping touchpoint exposure in retailing. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(3), 304–322.

Jaziri, D. (2019). The advent of customer experiential knowledge management approach (CEKM): The integration of offline & online experiential knowledge. Journal of Business Research, 94, 241–256.

Kang, J. Y. M. (2018). Showrooming, Webrooming, and User-Generated Content Creation in the Omnichannel Era. Journal of Internet Commerce, 17(2), 145–169.

Kazancoglu, I., & Aydin, H. (2018). An investigation of consumers’ purchase intentions towards omni-channel shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(10), 959–976.

Kim, S., Ham, S., Moon, H., Chua, B. L., & Han, H. (2018). Experience, brand prestige, perceived value (functional, hedonic, social, and financial), and loyalty among GROCERANT customers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 0–1.

Klein, J. F., Falk, T., Esch, F. R., & Gloukhovtsev, A. (2016). Linking pop-up brand stores to brand experience and word of mouth: The case of luxury retail. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5761–5767.

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Mosquera, A., Juaneda-Ayensa, E., Olarte-Pascual, C., & Sierra-Murillo, Y. (2018). The role of technology in an omnichannel physical store: assessing the moderating effect of gender. Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC, In press.

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How to Cite

Carvalho, J. L. G. de, & Toledo, G. L. (2021). New Construct of Managing the Expanded Experience of the Customer: Integration of the Off-Line and Online Environments. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 13(2), 203–229.



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