Applying the Creativity in Oder to Generate Innovation Projects: the Practical Case Study of a Didactic Strategy


  • Eliana Maria dos Santos Pereira Alves Universidade Guarulhos
  • Ovídio Felippe Pereira da Silva Junior UNIVALI



Innovation. Didactic Strategy. Creativity. Entrepreneurship.


A current challenge in teaching practice is to transform classrooms into laboratories to exchange experiences in courses whose goal is to enhance the professional skills in a practical and meaningful way. The search for improvement demonstrates that, increasingly, professionals become aware that organizations coexist in highly competitive environments, seeking to conquer more markets based on sustainable competitive advantages demanding fast responses of its employees. Considering that the process of creativity can be stimulated through the establishment of a suitable environment, this study aims to discuss the application of a didactic strategy developed for this purpose. Using the single case study methodology, it was used the technique of unstructured observation (informal or single) to carry out the collection and the recording of events that occurred during the strategy application. It discusses elements such as identifying opportunities, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, seeking their relationships to understand how it is possible to motivate the generation of proposals for innovative projects in educational environments. As a result, it is presented the perceptions of teachers on the didactic strategy applied, emphasizing that a suitable environment for the development of ideas encourages the student to propose solutions for the improbabilities, creating innovative alternatives to the identified needs.


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Author Biography

Eliana Maria dos Santos Pereira Alves, Universidade Guarulhos

Formada em Análise de Sistemas pela Universidade São Francisco (USF) - São Paulo, com experiência profissional de mais de 15 anos no mercado de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) atuando como analista e desenvolvedora de sistemas de informação e análise de processos. MBA em Gerência de Projetos e Mestre em Educação pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) com foco na pesquisa de estratégias pedagógicas e ferramentas para o ensino de Gerenciamento de Projetos. Possui certificação PMP (Project Management Professional) pelo PMI (Project Management Institute)/2011. Consultora em TI e Gestão de Projetos, Professora nas áreas de Sistemas de Informação e Gerenciamento de Projetos (graduação), Gestão de Custos em Projetos (pós-graduação). Professora de TI na Universidade Guarulhos (UNG)


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How to Cite

dos Santos Pereira Alves, E. M., & Pereira da Silva Junior, O. F. (2015). Applying the Creativity in Oder to Generate Innovation Projects: the Practical Case Study of a Didactic Strategy. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 7(1), 129.