Economic feasibility of activated carbon with brazilian chestnut hedgehog (bertholletia excelsa)
Activated Carbon, Residue, Hedgehog, Economic ViabilityAbstract
Introduction: Activated carbon is a porous substance of organic material, usually woody and fibrous material. The raw materials used to obtain charcoal are almost exclusively of vegetable origin, possessing high carbon power. The study consists of considering the use of Brazil nut hedgehogs as a raw material in the production of activated carbon.
Originality/Relevance: In this study, the results of the analysis of the economic viability of the use of activated carbon produced with residues of Brazil nuts from the Amazon region, aims to generate economic benefits and reduce possible environmental damage.
Methodology: The study was developed from a simulation of the implementation of a Manufacturing Unit at Aruanã Farm, a case study site, near of 215 km from the city of Manaus-AM, based on its data and internet sources.
Results: The financial indexes, resulting from the simulations of three scenarios of activated carbon production with residues obtained from the hedgehog, indicate that it would be unfeasible to implement it to use only the waste from hedgehogs from the current productive chestnut trees on the Farm, but that would be feasible from 540,890 productive chestnut trees on the Farm and from other sources.
Conclusion: It is economically feasible to implement a Manufacturing Unit on the Farm with a minimum possible size and to keep it producing the whole year it would be necessary to seek the supply of hedgehogs from other sources and in quantity well above the production capacity of theFarm.
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