Analysis of the conceptual evolution of stakeholders and competitiveness in applied social sciences and tourism




Stakeholders, Competitiveness, Bibliometrics, VOSviewer


Objective: The objective of the study is to map and describe the conceptual-theoretical evolution of stakeholders in relation to competitiveness, presenting the main theoretical influences and the theoretical boundary currents of the relationship between stakeholders and competitiveness.

Method: This is descriptive research, carried out through a quantitative method, using bibliometric techniques of bibliographic cocitation and coupling (pairing) to map the intellectual structure that supports the studies of the relationship between stakeholders and competitiveness. We used the exploratory factor analysis statistical technique and the VOSviewer data mapping software to analyze the documents in our sample.

Originality / Relevance: The literature on stakeholders and competitiveness lacks studies that examine the relationship between these terms. In view of the scarcity of works that relate stakeholders and competitiveness, this study seeks to fill this theoretical gap by mapping and describing the stock of knowledge on the topic.

Results: The cocitation analysis identified five clusters, the most important cluster had as main bias to investigate the competitiveness of tourist destinations and the theory of stakeholders. The bibliographic coupling identified nine thematic areas that studies on stakeholders and competitiveness are focusing on, the area that concentrates more studies is the analysis of the competitiveness of tourist destinations.

Theoretical contributions: The main contribution of this study is exploratory, since in addition to mapping the theoretical-conceptual evolution, more specifically the main theoretical influences, existing theoretical currents and the current theoretical fronts that study the thematic stakeholders and competitiveness, the study provides a point of view departure for future descriptive and causal studies, especially in the clusters formed in the bibliographic pairing map.


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Author Biographies

Anderson Antônio De Lima, Nine of July University

Doutorando em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo,(Brasil).     

Thiago de Luca Sant'ana Ribeiro, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo, (Brasil). 

Doutorando em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo, (Brasil).   

Benny Kramer Costa, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, São Paulo, (Brasil). 

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP, São Paulo, (Brasil). Professor Titular e Pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE, e Professor Livre-Docente do Departamento de Relações Públicas, Propaganda e Turismo da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo - USP.


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How to Cite

De Lima, A. A., Ribeiro, T. de L. S., & Costa, B. K. (2022). Analysis of the conceptual evolution of stakeholders and competitiveness in applied social sciences and tourism. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 14(1), e0599.



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